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domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

Love can be Reborn from the Ashes.

I have read,seen, and know many couples who say that "when you love someone is so easy" "fights will never occur" "loneliness will never happen"
All of that is not true.

Sometimes it is too hard to see what is damaging your other person. Sometimes your other can even misunderstand you.  People can even forget their couple's favorite things from time to time, just because, so relationships are not perfect at all.
People can have fights, couple's friends, family and close ones can even damage their relationship just for getting their noses on, and also men and women, people, react to everything differently.

Fights will always happen, sometimes too much, sometimes nothing will happen. However, there will be some season in your relationship that it will be horrible.

I call it: the breakup.

Sometimes when you don't change things, when you don't act differently people are always going to have a period of unbalance on everything. Changing some aspects of your life may be good for this situation, but what happens next? Can you fall again in this period?

Shit happens, as you may have seen. But it could and it WILL be better.

For the love of couples, for the love of people.

People always go forward.

Everything will be alright in the end, my love.


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